Wednesday, February 2, 2011

day three

Monday... success...
Tuesday...not so much.

On Tuesday, I found out that I didn't have to work because we were going to have a snow day on Wednesday.
I was so happy that I wanted to buy FOOD! I wanted to celebrate by eating! So... I went to the store and bought baked chips.. that I eat non-stop and wine and cheese, and a cupcake....
UGH! I thought to myself...It's not like I was going to be trapped in my home! Why did I do that? Why do I have to celebrate with food?

So...I after having little self-control.... i ate how I felt like on Tuesday night and didn't work out.

On Wednesday, I ate breakfast.

1 Homemade protein/bran muffin....................................................200
1 banana...........................................................................................100
1 piece of toast with butter after seeing my boyfriend eat one..........125
1 small chai tea.................................................................................250
a lot of chips (don't know quantify... not a good thing)....................300
1/2 of a chicken................................................................................250
broccoli with cheese.........................................................................150
1 banana...........................................................................................100
2 pieces of 35 calorie cheese..............................................................70

total calorie intake: ...........................................................................1545

This isn't bad...However.... I SAT all day long. I can't lose weight unless my calorie intake in lower than 1500 and I am active! :(

I can do it. Tomorrow's a new day!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Always on a diet...never losing weight...

January 30, 2011

Always on a diet....never losing weight. 

I'm one of those people who can name the calories for every food out there. I know and have been on most diets. I know the "emotional" reasons why I am eat. I also know why I can't get the weight off. I know it all, but still feel like I can't lose weight. I have examined every reason why... I don't have the will power, I'm not eating the right foods, I'm bored, I'm not check my emotional temperature... whatever it is... I'm 20 pounds overweight and always let food win.

I wouldn't be a true dieter and not be on the most current diet plan.... so here it is: 

Current diet: Jackie Warner: This is why you're fat. 
Current weight loss: 0 pounds
Date since starting Jackie Warner (plus my interpretation of the diet): 1 month

However, I am the first to admit that I don't really follow the diet like you are suppose to. I cheat. I add my own favorite foods. And most importantly....I always give in when I'm hungry. here it is... I'm not going to give up...

I can't lose weight because I hate being hungry and hate the feeling on not having food in my stomach.

I am going to lose that last 20 pounds and I am not going to let food win again. It doesn't really matter what diet I am on...All that matters is that I let myself experience hungry and not give in! we go!